Take Back Your Yard

What exactly is a weed?  The general definition of a “weed” is any plant growing out of place.  A Pine Tree could be considered a weed if it is in a place where it’s not wanted.  More specifically, homeowners are concerned about the weeds that are taking over their yards.  

Weeds are definitely one of the most difficult problems in home lawns today.  There seems to be a never ending supply, especially in Florida.  As soon as you get rid of one crop another one appears.  No matter what time of year it is, there is a plethora of weeds for every season. Is it time to take back your yard?

Get to the Root of the Problem

Oftentimes then not, there are pre-existing conditions that provide the ideal environment for a weed invasion. Weeds are usually the secondary problem when they first begin to get a foot hold in a lawn. Weeds are very opportunistic; they will take advantage of the weaknesses in the lawn and then will capitalize on those weaknesses. The best weed control is a thick, healthy grass.

The way to get that is with proper maintenance of the yard. The most effective weed control begins with proper cultural practices to minimize the opportunities for a weed invasion. This includes:

  • consistent mowing at the proper heights;
  • watering at the correct amount;
  • applying the respectable amount of fertilizer; as well as;
  • insect control.

Correct management in these areas encourages a dense, vigorous lawn which shades the soil so sunlight can not reach weed seeds to germinate. 

In conjunction with the above mentioned cultural practices a chemical weed management program is necessary if you desire to take back your yard. Although there is not a chemical for every kind of weed that may invade your lawn, many of them can be controlled.