Palm Tree Services

Palm trees are a great addition to any landscape. They can give your home a "tropical feeling". Some Palms can be used as a privacy fence between you and your neighbor; while others are used to showcase the residence that enhances the landscape. Palm trees can increase the value of your property - so proper diagnosis with proper treatments are very important to maintaining healthy palms.

We do offer Palm Tree Services that include palm tree fertilization and palm damaging insect applications. Based upon the species, palm trees require a unique approach to control disease, insects, and fertilization. They need special care to keep them vibrant and healthy!

Our Palm Tree Services include:

  • Disease and Fungus Control
  • Fertilization*
  • Palm Damaging Insect Control **
  • Evaluation of Irrigation
  • Spring and Fall Potassium Treatments
  • Free Service Calls between monthly visits.

Bug Cops Pest Control officers are trained to recognize these issues and knows what is needed to eliminate the threat to your palms. Being proactive will allow Bug Cops Pest Control to identify and prevent problems that could plaque your palm trees.

What to Expect?

Our Palm Tree Inspection includes:

  • Identifying Palm Species, if needed.
  • Analysis of Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Analysis of Insect Activity
  • Analysis of Disease Activity
  • Proper irrigation practices
  • Fertilization Requirements

If your Palm Trees are not looking as healthy as they once did - give us a call!! Our Officer, whom has experience and is knowledgeable, knows exactly what to look for when inspecting your palms. Bug Cops Pest Control will do their very best to bring it back to its former glory!